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Effluves n°1 Liège



Curators : Mikail Koçak & Anna Ozanne

4048 En Neuvice

Mermermer displays an advertising show in the form of a two-phased experience. The luxury product awaits on display under the spotlights. Painless attempt of standard techniques of seduction. How to exhibit when there is nothing to exhibit ? The air is the free element common to everybody. Money has no smell, just like the air. It circulates between bridges, footbridges and bodies ; it connects the cavities of our mouths and noses. Mermermer condenses, in a single perfume, the olfactory experiences of crossing the city of Liege on foot. To breathe it, action the tester placed next to the window and spray a bit on the paper strip. Warm scents raise from the clammy manhole covers, a bakery releases a trail of greedy moods, and a gaseous wait at the red light oxidizes the urban atmosphere. The reality behind the smell is intimate and plural. The wind diffuses a dust filled with memories.

As a publishing and graphic designing house, Mermermer strives to connect artistic disciplines through projects (editorial objects, mediation concepts, visual identities, communication supports) for others and for itself.

