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Regarde… ce qu’il se passe à côté
Sculpture/Peinture B3 ESA Liège Melissa Andreia Alves Pereira, Livia Dechenne, Caroline Dupuis, Iolana Galvao, Lea Grifnee, Emma Jacqmin, Hannah Keutgen, Nell Moreno Mendez, Célia Prouve, Chloé Renaux, Pénélope Urbain, Cindy Vanesse, Olivier Van Michel dit Valet, Jonathan de Winter.
350137-139 Féronstrée
Thirteen students from the 3rd year Sculpture/Painting program at ESA Saint-Luc Liège, 9 solo, duo, trio alcoves. Guided by their professor Jonathan De Winter.
Like a pack thirsty for creation with the desire and necessity to interact with the world.
Here, these artists of tomorrow have the opportunity to showcase their work outside the school framework.
It’s an oscillation that connects these different windows; the idea is that there are multiple propositions that can be connected and yet conflict with each other.
They offer you:
A form of introspection where people are the sum of those we encounter.
Silent poems where images and mysteries form a symphony, a dance that blends real and virtual in the midst of nature.
Technical handiwork, stories of castings that rhyme with kitsch and cheap.