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Ludovic Mennesson

Open call

10954 En Féronstrée

« I am an artist living in Brussels. I chose to explore sculpture in its most expanded scope.

While I regularly borrow from the history of art or from scientific and educational imagery, I also like to search very concretely the urban space that surrounds me to turn it into my raw material. Fragments of architecture, loose stones and stained-glass windows form this exhibition and evoke the rigorous and intimate classification of cabinets of curiosities. Windows, cages and stands display their poetic and trivial « wonders » that are directly stemming from the universe of urban construction. Chambres froides is a series of sculptures that evoke the memory of anonymous ruins in a restructuring building.

On the surface, the glass window of an old clothing store gets spangled with bird motifs usually used to prevent birds from crashing into houses. The birds of Nuée guide and block the view by transforming the commercial showcase into a double-sided pictorial fresco. »