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Cathleen Owens
Open call
85159 En Féronstrée
Cathleen Owens’ artistic practice reflects the personal experience of a subject aware of itself, caught in a system of representations and networks of value like a fly frantically flailing against a closed window. There is a pressure to continually acclimatize, to camouflage into the present situation, presenting as worthy under contemporary neoliberal conceptions of the idealized self.
In the context of Art au Centre, Owens presents a new installation entitled Excellent Follow Through. The work begins as an empty storefront and is filled gradually with post-its of the artist’s authentic to-do list. Each post-it note represents a single task. Call mom. Clean retainer. Buy groceries. In our neoliberal society, we value ourselves by the amount we produce. With this work, the artist draws attention to how paralyzing this can be, by literally taking over a space with her productivity, or lack thereof. The vitrine will be continually morphing, alongside the priorities of our days.
Owens will not be placing the post-its herself but will be sending the tasks daily through email to be written, placed, and performed by a local cultural worker. This act aims to play into capitalist logic concerning the production, mobilization, and hierarchies of labor. Moreover, due to the pandemic, more tasks must be executed by someone else, sometimes from afar, and often with great trust.
Reflected in Owens’ public to-do list, there is a focus not only on how well the individual is doing, but how well the community is doing. What about our essential workers who worked non-stop throughout the pandemic’s peak ? A to-do list can be a luxury as health and income become increasingly at odds. In our neoliberal society, what will come out on top ?