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Etiennette Plantis
Open call
11298 Rue de la Cathédrale
« I’m a collector, it is my first artistic practice. My collection, on which I have been working, rests on the great utopia of holiday villages. Besides the expected aspect of travelers out enjoying themselves, there is a sociological lexicon, an architecture, a physical and mental connection linked to these spaces that deeply disconcert me and that I like : azure blue, stripes, the very cheap materials of the furniture, “artworks“ thrown here and there to play to the gallery, the color of the curtains and the overzealousness, naivety too. My work organizes itself like a fake scenery with a singular and hierarchical order. As a system that would have no more limit, leading to a heterogeneous installation, a juxtaposition of elements, a multitude of artefacts, pilings on the ground, on the wall, varieties of textures, fabrics, ceramics, paint, carpet, a composition of different uses. The paint is then sprayed, catapulted, collapsing, it is subject to visual dissidences but nonetheless responds to a classic and traditional pictorial language. A singular and hybrid vocabulary calls the tune towards a repertoire of shapes, full of freedom, pleasure and enjoyment. The motif is built up archaically, as a reference to the history of collage. The division of gestures isolates signs and establishes other plastic elements of language : a compromise between serious parody and happy irony. The analysis of my photographic collection of lost paradises, collective illusion, widespread denial, exaggerated conformism is at the heart of my work. Questioning unreachable hopes, projections linked to curious spaces, to hopeless materials, creating a universe of resurgences, objects of desire, mysterious wishes, and a casual contemplation. And you ? How do you imagine happiness ? »