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Хліб насущний (Le pain quotidien)


Maria Vita Goral

Open call

32159 En Féronstrée

After studying painting in Lviv, Maria Vita Goral moved to Liege in 2018 and continued her studies at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts. In her multidisciplinary work, she uses objects and images of our daily life to raise historical, symbolic, psychological and anthropological questions.

Her installation Хліб насущний, Le pain quotidien in French, suggests a spiritual journey made of various sensorial sequences. All kinds of bread, loaves and embroidered pieces of fabrics with the dates of the wars or genocides pile up in the window. The crusts of the bread are marked with digits and words of varied sources and origins. White finely embroidered fabric and a spot of light are forming the background. The additional senses that the observer injects according to his experience and his personal perception naturally add to this teeming production. The artist invites to question the notion of human values (official, imaginated, simulated, real, moral…).

« One is always ungrateful to give the necessary, never to give the superfluous. We are mad at the one who gives you the daily bread, we are grateful to the one who gives you jewelry. » (Victor Hugo)