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À la lisière


Benjamin Ottoz & Emmanuelle Roule

Curator : La peau de l’ours

239159 En Féronstrée

À la lisière echoes the work of Benjamin Ottoz and Emmanuelle Roule into an exhibition that connects object and hanging, painting and sculpture, matter and material. A selvage is involved in this matching approach. Two practices, two artistic approaches that are thought out empirically, each of which initiates the crossroads of different paths leading to a common point of convergence: cohabitation and decompartmentalization, which questions the limit, the border that stems from the very principle of “connection” in the creation of their artworks. It is all about juxtaposing, adding, gathering, as much on the question of meaning as of the form, at the service of a process of research and experimentation.

La peau de l’ours