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Cascade sans casque
Clémence Didion
Curator : La peau de l’ours
4929 Rue de l'Université
In a gaping and evolving world where everything seems to have stopped right there just to be contemplated, ghosts and chimeras hug each other ; evasive spirts and specters that still haunt certain thoughts, certain pasts. Some souls with no identity, no gender, nor unicity feature float in this paused and slow universe. They slowly go from one side to the other side of the format. They are interchangeable elements. They represent dangling memories. A wild world articulated around roughly painted structures and organic skeletons that give a balance to the various layouts. A universe similar to its creator, far away from the ambrosial and paradisiac image despite the calmness and the order that reign there. These cartoon-like looks dialogue with a combination of threads and pipes, embrace rigid languages and stare at nameless objects. The absurd then seems to reach its apogee.
But what sort of absurdity are we exactly talking about ? How to understand what defies logic ; our logic, in a world ; her world, obeying formal and structural rules ? From that moment on, based on this questioning, we truly penetrate into Clémence’s work. Whether it is bidimensional or three-dimensional, penciled or oil-painted, this fictional territory makes us travel through her memories, her childhood and her obsessions. Sometimes Japanizing, sometimes cadenced by nagging music or rousing rhythms. Clémence drags us into a work full of symbols that borrow certain aspects from Walter Swennen, Odilon Redon or Léon Spilliaert and that flout any procedure. The work gradually evolves organically and opens up to a new formal questioning.
During this awake trip that looks like a fable written by a contemporary Eugène Ionesco, Clémence invites us to leave the childhood and to get closer to a harsher reality made of attempts and mistakes, to approach the fragility of a more intense existence : like an echo, a resonance of our troubles and misunderstandings.