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Coin des bonnes affaires


Dick & VLE

Open call

308 Rue Gérardrie

Dick & VLE is a duo, born from a collective ; the evidence of a meeting between two worlds and two experiences, a desire to confront their techniques, their graphic obsessions, their sense of frame and space. Melissa Pena Espartero (Dick) has an academic background and masters many artistic practices, Simon Medard (VLE) is self-taught and versatile ; they come together in creativity and high standards, they talk to each other in a large format, grabbing space, creating a work in which they surprise each other. There is a long preliminary research, there is their desire to explore different media together, in order to create the essential composition that frees conflicts, titillates the limits and unleashes their imagination. There is an incessant and abundant dialogue between them two where their features and their acute taste for geometry echo each other. And there is a harmony and a clarity in their works which leave nothing to guess at the chasms, the negotiations, the arguments which are the obvious risk of any creative act, let alone collective. What is shown to us is always relevant, irreverent, mysterious, the artwork always makes sense. What strikes first are the joyful and vivid colors, then the shapes and axes that are always assured and deeply organic, finally the accumulations and the installations which are both cases and works themselves : a reflective scenography that occupies the terrain and changes the environment. Sometimes there are words, sentences, always sensitive and without artifice. Objects are accumulated and transformed, colored and re-invented to occupy a space, to cultivate it and bring it to life, to make it a place of pleasure, ironic catharsis and communicative ode to joy. Joy of living, dialoguing, reclaiming the ephemeral and transforming our living spaces, a way of exploring the idea of ​​a space that never stops telling a story. Nothing in their work is in vain, nothing is bombastic or fierce, everything is playful, immediate, sensory and impertinent. Hence, rare.


Caroline Gonce