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Sans Titre


Romain Juan

Curator : Marine Candova

9107 En Féronstrée

Light on banknote confetti. Each bag contains a full ticket reduced in confetti. Used by drug dealers, these sachets slip easily into a wallet, pocket or bag … to keep them with you. With a festive air, the artist here broadcasts an action of destruction of the physical representation of monetary value.

« Romain Juan undoubtedly belongs to a generation of low-tech assemblage sculptors, employing the appropriation of objects by moving away from the readymade with a sense of improvisation, transforming his materials into narrative elements. At the heart of his approach is also a reflection on the position of the artist and his self-representation in contemporary art where Romain Juan identifies a part of staging. He has also always been interested in the American culture of stand-up comedy : It is always about creating a character for the set, an amplified version of oneself, without ever knowing the part of fiction » (Extract from a text by Nancy Suarez)


Marine Candova