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Sébastien Pauwels
Open call
13831b Rue de la Cathédrale
A bit dark, both thumbing nose and kind wink, something peculiar to shadow theater or to the stage of ethnographic museum is performed in this set of vaguely anthropomorphic silhouettes.
Destined to be observed from distance, the sculptures act like mannequins in their window. Elaborated on two plans (two identical faces and the section that assembles them), they can be observed as shapes that cut into space while exhibiting their assembling process.
The proposition tackles the connection pedestal-sculpture through a set of three figures placed on specific pedestals, which are supported by organic-curved bases.
Made from cardboard, the shapes become sustainable thanks to the accumulation of layers of fiberglass and water based coating. Once dressed with their material, the sculptures are painted following a range of bright and contrasted colors responding to their context of exhibition.
The volumes are made from cardboard scraps stemming from previous artworks, their counter-forms are symmetrically positioned. I therefore opted for a clustered spatial layout.