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Estelle Deschamp
Open call
205137 En Féronstrée
The Trophée collection uses the scenographic codes of statuary galleries and bust rooms, such as those that we can see in many museums of ancient and classical art. Yet here, there is no reference to the great heroic figures, war or state leaders and other so-called leading historical figures (according to the criteria of the dominant systems of an era). These are hybrid and capricious characters, devoid of prestige, the forgotten of History in other words, sculptural portraits made of fragments, bits and pieces assembled. One can think far-fetchedly of La vie des hommes infâmes by Foucault.
“In short, I wanted to gather some rudiments for a legend of obscure men, from the speeches that in misfortune or rage they exchange with power. Lives that are as if they had not existed, lives that only come back to us through the effect of multiple chances, these are the infamies of which I wanted to collect here some remnants, collected in a handful of words. »
Michel Foucault, La vie des hommes infâmes, 1977.