Around The Corner
Zena Van den Block
35 Rue Souverain Pont
VMC gargouilles
Thomas Sindicas
31b Rue de la Cathédrale
Kodomo No Kuni
Mey Semtati
18 Rue de l'Etuve
The Faces Collection
Anna Safiatou Touré
16 Rue du Palais
Camille Poitevin
40 Rue Hors-Château
Ronan Marret
75 Rue Hors-Château
Belles récompenses
Mathilde Manka
159 Féronstrée
Quatre Mains / Zonder Handen
Stephanie Lamoline
107 Féronstrée
Anatomie du vivant / Life
Sophie Keraudren-Hartenberger
98 Rue de la Cathédrale
À mon seul désir
32 Rue de la Cathédrale
Rain Bow
Guillaume Gouerou
4 Rue de la Cathédrale
Knock me !
Garage de Recherches Graphiques
85 Rue de la Cathédrale
Double Bind
Jane Denizeau & Pauline Flajolet
1 Féronstrée
Pie in the sky
Justine Corrijn
20 Rue de la Sirène
Parking Cathédrale
Elias Cafmeyer
31a Rue de la Cathédrale
Elie Bolard
84 Féronstrée
Kader / Cadre
Doris Boerman
29 Rue de l'Université
Camille Bleker & Luna Pittau
3 Place des Déportés
Si tu me vois
Aurélie Belair
56 Rue Saint-Gilles
Terres battantes
Camille Barbet
100 Rue de la Cathédrale
The end–promise on packaging
Pharaz Azimi
23 Rue Saint-Michel
J’ai déclaré ma flamme
25 Rue Saint Paul
my belongings
Celine Aernoudt
5 Rue Chéravoie
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Chiens perdus avec collier
Ines Claus
Curator : Marine Candova
441 Rue Saint Paul
A woman dressed in a two-tone suit walks surrounded by red ornaments and accompanied by a dog from a painting of another era. A dog hides under a clover tablecloth while its collar hangs over its head. The Poivre et sel take a stroll. Friezes tangle swirling collars, now where did the pet go ?
From an approach that has the stroke of something drawn on paper, Ines Claus seems to come to meet us to talk to us with her words clothed with objects. From the nearly painted poster, from edition to installation, she shows the importation of a common dream, of a culture contrasted by the cheap’n’chic. The artist collects books, beautiful images that inspire her to use logical presentation supports.
Her approach extracts an element and/or an attitude captured from reality to bring it back to a simple evidence. A chromatic flat tint, a collage, this interconnection study seeks an object-based aphorism that Ines Claus subtracts from a fascination for visual languages peculiar to advertising, furniture designing and fashion. Like so, the quintessence of Gucci that represents the form of an elite, here coveted by a substance namely the people, creates a pattern close to pop culture that marches in front of it. The object of desire then takes an attitude, it becomes a character, a near animism, and hybrids itself into an aesthetics proper to the way the artist reads her environment. A dog, then its collar that forms something other than its original utility, a pair of shoes with a weird detail, simplified by the pictorial technique of the artist, become an axiom, expressing a nearly Californian dandyism within a popular Belgium. These social symbols then unify to form a narrative material that changes the common sense of what we are used to seeing and that loads her work with a true reading of our behaviors and our social and cultural perspectives.