Around The Corner
Zena Van den Block
35 Rue Souverain Pont
VMC gargouilles
Thomas Sindicas
31b Rue de la Cathédrale
Kodomo No Kuni
Mey Semtati
18 Rue de l'Etuve
The Faces Collection
Anna Safiatou Touré
16 Rue du Palais
Camille Poitevin
40 Rue Hors-Château
Ronan Marret
75 Rue Hors-Château
Belles récompenses
Mathilde Manka
159 Féronstrée
Quatre Mains / Zonder Handen
Stephanie Lamoline
107 Féronstrée
Anatomie du vivant / Life
Sophie Keraudren-Hartenberger
98 Rue de la Cathédrale
À mon seul désir
32 Rue de la Cathédrale
Rain Bow
Guillaume Gouerou
4 Rue de la Cathédrale
Knock me !
Garage de Recherches Graphiques
85 Rue de la Cathédrale
Double Bind
Jane Denizeau & Pauline Flajolet
1 Féronstrée
Pie in the sky
Justine Corrijn
20 Rue de la Sirène
Parking Cathédrale
Elias Cafmeyer
31a Rue de la Cathédrale
Elie Bolard
84 Féronstrée
Kader / Cadre
Doris Boerman
29 Rue de l'Université
Camille Bleker & Luna Pittau
3 Place des Déportés
Si tu me vois
Aurélie Belair
56 Rue Saint-Gilles
Terres battantes
Camille Barbet
100 Rue de la Cathédrale
The end–promise on packaging
Pharaz Azimi
23 Rue Saint-Michel
J’ai déclaré ma flamme
25 Rue Saint Paul
my belongings
Celine Aernoudt
5 Rue Chéravoie
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Don’t cry over spilllllled tears anymore
Francisca Markus
Artist selected as part of the open call
3377 Rue Saint-Remy
If an inanimate object sheds a tear one can become a witness of a mystery.
A “non-space” transforms into a space of attraction.
Weeping statues are a phenomena which fascinates people around the globe, no matter their belief skepticism or astonishment; and no matter the impossibilities about this sometimes tiniest tear.
At the same time to witness a stranger in the public shedding a tear seems inappropriate, too intimate.
I am interested into the tear itself as an emotional expression which creates connections in various senses. My focus lies in those moments where meaning undergoes a shift, not just in a literal and practical sense, but in a critical engagement with one’s surroundings. The tear is just an image in this scenery and exercising a shift of meaning.
I am interested into developing working and thinking structures that on one hand construct themselves a logic and on the other hand execute it in itself. The site specific installation is itself a structure which purpose is solely to shed tears and collect them. The liquid consists of oils, honey, red wine, salt and water; a mixture similar to the liquids that had been found on weeping statues. The spatial system is neither a miracle or a hoax, it performs itself a shift in meaning, that is either witnessed by passersby or not. The building, as a weeping statue comes to life; is a messenger.
What do buildings observe, keep and store of our daily lives?
The hole of a nail that has been in the wall to hold a photo of a friend is a silent witness of tragic goodbyes, private breakdowns, sad phonecalls, unanswered bootycalls, of a joke that was not laughed about, or a hug of two strangers. Every Building is in a mutual relationship to its surrounding.