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Étendue 02


Elisa Florimond

Artist selected as part of the open call

31085 Rue de la Cathédrale

Archeology museums often feature an ancient sculpture of a human body, of which only the feet remain, still anchored in a carved stone base.

Étendue 02 is a realization of the special attention I pay to the scenography of history and natural science museums. Behind a window in a street of Liège, the installation takes up this museographic code of simultaneously highlighting and distancing the “precious”.

Collecting and assembling are emblematic approaches of my artistic practice. My installations consist of meticulously decided associations between the shapes I model and the objects and images I collect.

Étendue 02 draws its main source of inspiration from the systems of presentation of the collections at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens. The forms that make up the installation are adapted and modified (by changing scale or materials) reproductions of ancient sculptures and their presentation in this natural history museum.


Elisa Florimond