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Justine Court

Curator : Marine Candova

7448 Rue de la Cathédrale

Justine Court creates an autofiction world in which the objects turn into actors with their own personalities. Without their soft tints, shining enamels, details and erratic shapes, they would be only functional objects – pots, plates, vases, candlesticks – but appearances can be deceptive : each sculpture comes alive in this dark fairy tale that Justine Court creates. The depths of human imagination find refuge in great feelings such as melancholy, fragility and pride – emotions closely linked to the body. The open throats, fleshy lips, sensual coves covered with jewels reveal their vacuity and exhibitionist nature. Justine Court tries to establish a dismissed case, a suggested environment that appears out of time. To this end, she sketches and draws her inspiration from cinematic images tinged with a dark romanticism proper to Jean Cocteau and Dario Argento among others.

Réfléchissez pour moi, je réfléchirai pour vous floats in a bath of nostalgia in which anthropomorphic and domestic merge in the ceramic, the glass or the metals. The recurrent element of the mirror is the ultimate symbol of Vanitas and privacy. The mirror is mediator : we imagine seeing ourselves but in fact we face a significant lack of perception of oneself.