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Good intentions


Sara Bachour & Tine Deboelpaep

Curator: Center for Artistic Sensibilities

2241 En Féronstrée

Give us a good night’s rest, we must never feel exhausted again.

Free our minds from worse-case scenarios

Guide us when we feel overwhelmed by our daily routine, and give us the strength to change

Provide us enough time, and we shall spend reconnecting with our friends

Bless us with a healthy eating pattern

Let us never be exasperated and lead us away from overreacting

Allow us to get through this week, week, after week, after week.


Center of artistic sensibilities (CAS) is an initiative for contemporary art and artists based in an apartment in Maastricht. We harness the potential of the domestic space to create an unhurried environment for sharing art, food, and conversations. Sometimes, we also go outside. Collegiality, bartering, exchange, and enjoyment are at the core of all our actions.

Thanks to the matchmaking of CAS, Sara Bachour and Tine Deboelpaep have found a common visual language, drawing on art historical references and internet culture alike, and combining viral content with obscure rituals, social commentary, with self-deprecating humor.

Center for Artistic Sensibilities