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Students from Académie des Beaux-Arts de Catane

Curator : Francesco di Vincenzo

120159 En Féronstrée

In February 2020, the Aquilone ASBL presented Tà Erotikà, an erotic collection of artistic productions created by young students from the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania, Sicily. Unfortunately, this exhibition was suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic.

In the catalogue published for this exhibition, the collection is presented as follows : « Liège meets Catania, its culture and its artistic savoir-faire thanks to a series of activities […] we welcomed with great interest the proposal of hosting […] an exhibition made by young students from the School of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania, […] Tà Erotikà. »

As the public from Liège did not have the time to enjoy the artworks of these young Sicilian artists, we contacted Art au Centre and they kindly invited us to occupy a window to ward off bad luck and to reward the important work of the people who initiated the project.

The exhibition has been revised and adapted to Art au Centre, it is now entitled SicIle Ardente and displays the world of things of Eros. This world surrounds us without any distinction of gender as it comes from the inspiration that dilates and contracts the large belly of the earth.

The young Sicilian artists put their talent at the service of the theme. We clearly see that eroticism is one of the facets of « the love that stirs the sun and the other stars », as our spiritual father Dante Alighieri teaches us. Each era and each human culture have their own declension. Any man and any woman live the moment of carnal love according to their own instincts and reasons.

The students from the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania show a talent that is inspired by the millennium-long history of their land. The genius loci beat and keeps on beating in its entrails, where the lava of the Etna escapes, with a powerful erotic blast.

Francesco di Vincenzo