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Apolline Ducrocq
Open call
20750 En Féronstrée
As a repairperson, researcher and collector, my work gravitates around sculpture, assemblage, photography and installation. I see creation as a construction, as a way to give birth to forms from a ground or a story. I am interested in materials, shapes, dimensions, questions of scale but also their positions in a space.
Often, places in perpetual movement such as lands or construction sites are spaces that appeal to me. Movement has a very important place in my work. The materials I use are often raw materials that tell a story. They are usually taken from buildings under renovation, urban wastelands, demolition sites and sometimes even during trips…
For this ninth edition of Art au Centre, I created Stations, which is a dialogue of forms resulting from an encounter with a pile of cars, a shower cubicle being demolished and a pile of sandstone tile rubble…
The tiling has an important place in this fixed space, it suggests mobility by its omnipresence in spaces of passage and underlines, through photography, the multiple displacements made by the works that I have been able to carry out or the forced immobility of its wandering forms.
The fleeting presented forms speak of movements such as the passage of people in a metro station, a gas station, a car wash… Through the glass, these sculptures offer a look at frozen moments filled with a future that just wants to move.