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Double exposition


Bertrand Cavalier & Fabien Silvestre Suzor

Artists selected as part of the open call

30531b Rue de la Cathédrale

Bertrand Cavalier and Fabien Silvestre Suzor are two Brussels-based artists. Initially interested in photography and moving images, they quickly developed an interest in architecture and design. Through their various collaborations and personal exhibitions, they have always attached special importance to scenography and the connection between artworks and the exhibition space that hosts them.

For Art au Centre, the duo starts from Untitled 1, a video by Cavalier in which we observe a tarpaulin that undulates on the monumental structure of a building in the suburbs of Amsterdam. Its continuous movement reveals the structure on which it rests and then suggests connections between positive and negative images. This notion of presence and absence is at the heart of this installation. Also inspired by architectural concrete, Cavalier and Silvestre Suzor apply principles of doubling and addition of shapes to emphasize the physical occupation of the elements that are already present in the window. These new non-structural objects hence take an important place in questioning our relationship to volume and architecture. The physical and sensory nature of the installation consequently makes it possible to evoke a common experience of space while initiating a process of mental and real images.