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Zorg Aourir

Curator : Maxime Moinet

6931b Rue de la Cathédrale

Indefatigable dabbler driven by a desire to see things and bodies move, Zorg Aourir is driven by an artistic fire that can take very different forms : music, painting, drawing, silk-screen printing, 3D animation, video game… He also regularly organizes collective exhibitions and musical events.

Zorg Aourir discovers painting with his grandfather, artist Fernand Flausch, with whom he learns painting and pictorial composition. He tries his hand at other computer graphic methods that progressively take an important place in his work. Nonetheless paper remain his preferred medium. At the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels, he trains to master silk-screen printing, encouraging him to experiment. Since then, he has been multiplying his research and collaborations, adding new strings to his bow.

His very rich graphic universe thrived over time on countless influences, absorbed then digested. The most obvious ones are the pop reminiscences of his grandfather in his colors and the reminders of the 80s-90s video games in certain textures. In the artwork that he presents for Art au Centre, he makes the transition from digital to analogical. He uses several software to create new forms that he animates afterwards before transposing his composition on paper and including it into a larger decor. The spectator is plunged into a three-dimensional cosmic world located on the dividing line between graphic arts and animation.

Maxime Moinet