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Sanne Kabalt

Open call

214Rue Matrognard, 2

The sudden appearance of ice flowers in the morning. Layers of snow building upon each other on the window sill. Icicles forming on a doorway. When have you last seen them?

‘Icing’ is a site-specific installation that hopes to make you wonder about the absence of harsh winters and cold temperatures in our currently changing climate. At first glance, you’re looking at papered windows, signaling a building that’s empty or under construction. With a closer look, you’ll realize that the thin paper these windows are filled with show photographic details of ice and snow. Perhaps you’ll notice the contrast or similarity between the weather within these windows and the weather that is actually going in Liège at the time.

Sanne Kabalt (Amsterdam, 1989) works with photography, writing & installation. Mourning, illness and human-nonhuman relations are recurring themes for her. After her studies in photography at the HKU (2011) she obtained her MA degree from the Dutch Art Institute (2018). Recent exhibitions include Beautiful Distress House (Amsterdam), Württembergischer Kunstverein (Stuttgart) and Lítost (Prague). She has published two artist books: ‘Zolang je niet zo over problemen praat zie je er toch niks van’ (2018) and ‘The Cough’ (2022). Sanne often spends time abroad as an artist-in-residence. Most of the photographs that were used in ‘Icing’ have been created during residencies in the north of Europe, in particular Ricklundgården in Swedish Lapland and Saari Residence in Finland.


Sanne Kabalt