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Io Burgard

Curator : Sophie Delhasse

15431a Rue de la Cathédrale

Io Burgard’s work expresses itself in a variety of techniques, shapes and textures. Drawings, sculptures, objects and installations interlock in a continuous movement of shape and counter shape as the multiple and inexhaustible expression of a fantasized and transcended world in which « the substantiated idea descending from a vaporous emanation would be a soft paste […]. It must be melted down, and indefinitely, to try to get as much substance as possible out of it ». From this soft material, Io Burgard shapes a universe that seizes various dimensions : where drawing becomes sculpture, where stroke is motion, where plaster incarnates itself as an enigmatic silhouette. An artistic partition that takes us into a reversible rhythmics between reality and fiction. The artworks do not demonstrate a duality but capture the plurality of the worlds around us and the transient state that leads us from one to the other.

This transitional phenomenon of metamorphosis and transposition is based on the motif of the door that we see here, as much in the installation on canvas open at its center entitled La vague, 2020, made of charcoal drawing, gesso, oil and plaster elements, as in the sculpture entitled Chaise musicale, 2019, musical wind instrument that the spectator can activate. This time, the two artworks will not be activated, playing with the status of the window and its inaccessibility. They turn into objects of desire or frustration that are able to plunge us into a scope of infinite possible. “ The door ! The door ! It is a whole cosmos of the ajar. It is at least a first representation, the very origin of a daydream where the desires and the temptations of opening the being in his depths pile up, the desire to conquer all the reluctant beings. » (Gaston Bachelard, La poétique de l’espace, PUF, éditions Quadrige, Paris, 2013.)

Io Burgard’s window is an invitation to meet other people, a projection into a space of human qualities that one can read or hear like the whisper of an unknown language that spreads out in a metabolic narrative in which numerous symbols intertwine, add up and collide. With La vague sous cloche, the artist celebrates a rite of passage, like a cyclic image of the world that inhabits us as much as we inhabit it, an artistic translation of the desire that crosses us as much as we cross it.