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Students l’ESA Saint-Luc Liège Master 1 "Communication visuelle et graphique, design d’identités visuelles" 2022—23*

Artists selected as part of the open call

275107 En Féronstrée

Following the visit of the previous edition, the 18 students inthe firstyear of master’s degreein Visual and Graphic CommunicationfromESA Saint-Luc Liège decide to reactto the call forprojects forthe 11theditionof Art au Centreand tosign up forthis artistic and cultural event inthe city of their schoolandtheir studies. The desire to be represented there in theroleof graphicdesigner emerges. That function remainsso little known and yet omnipresent inmostof ourproductions and human activities.They create an installationthat representstheir daily work environment, a 3D transposition ofvariousiconographic elements and tools of the graphic design/er.

The endless and hypnotic download wheel.

The pipette, which enablesto extract and inoculate the styles and properties of any form of“vi(e)-sual”.

The color chart, color palette of the computer-assisted painter.

The cut lines, spotted for the pitiless guillotine of the printer.

Typography, Comics or not, Serif ornot, readable by ordinary mortals.

The folders, uncountable parents of the knotty tree structure of untraceable files, despite thenomenclature system.

The rectangle, where to insert the low-quality element that the sponsor is slow to send us.

The check pattern, moving and transparentbackground,at the rootof any project.