The price is worth it
Boulevard d'Avroy 28-30
Hilal Aydoğdu
100 Rue Saint-Gilles
V – 150360/1 p. 204, 265, 266
Dóra Benyó
1 Féronstrée
Fausse bonne nouvelle
Juan d’Oultremont
31b Rue de la Cathédrale
Et fouisse toujours on trouvera bien
Gaspard Husson
18 Rue de l'Etuve
La constellation du navire Argo
Sarah Illouz & Marius Escande
Hôtel de la Cour de Londres 40 Rue Hors-Château
One Line (… Better Than On – line!)
Marin Kasimir
31a Rue de la Cathédrale
Sarah Lauwers
29 Rue de l'Université
Alexiane Le Roy
3 Rue de la Cathédrale
Mécanique d’un mur
Raphaël Maman
9 Passage Lemonnier
Eva Mancuso
5 Rue Chéravoie
Don’t cry over spilllllled tears anymore
Francisca Markus
7 Rue Saint-Remy
Actions !
Maxence Mathieu
56 Rue Saint-Gilles
On ne peut rien faire d’autre que tenir debout
Élodie Merland
113 Rue de la Cathédrale
Travel Local, Buy Local
107 Féronstrée
Le vestiaire
Camille Peyré
85 Rue de la Cathédrale
22 empans et 1 palme
Leïla Pile
75 Rue Hors-Château
Chronique florale
Ionut Popa
101 Féronstrée
The Sunken Place
Louise Rauschenbach
4 Rue de la Cathédrale
Le temps d’une trace / La trace du temps
Florian Schaff Marvyn Brusson
1 Rue Courtois
Open closet archive 1995/2021/2023/2024
Bo Stokkermans
Passage Lemonnier, 37-39
Mutations x Urbaines
Adrien Mans Benjamin Ooms
17 Rue des Croisiers
Je m’organise…
Leen Vandierendonck
159 Féronstrée
Wer rettet die Welt
Paul Waak
16 Rue du Palais
Regarde… ce qu’il se passe à côté
Sculpture/Peinture B3 ESA Liège Melissa Andreia Alves ...
137-139 Féronstrée
Pauvre petit belge qui tremble
Paolo Gasparotto
25 Rue Saint Paul
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Avis de tempête
Camille Lemille
Curator: Sophie Delhasse
316159 En Féronstrée
For Art au Centre, Camille Lemille carries out a project that started from encounters made this summer in Detroit (USA), a complex city that recovers slowly from economic and social bankruptcy and several crises. The artist questions a space in transition, that of cities and our habitats, urban centers metamorphosed into places of speculation, functional spaces, tight flows “and not places that we appropriate, where we stop, where we hang out, where we live”[1].
Camille Lemille combines texts and images, testimonies and preconceived ideas and brings a disturbance, an inner storm. It is a swirling gesture that interrupts the graphic and textual compositions of the screen prints on tiles. A storm that spreads beyond borders and brings to Liège another example of the failure of capitalism and industrialization and the very concrete consequences that this failure has on all citizens. Camille Lemille uses fragments of words and images to disturb the received testimonies and to test the elements of language that seem so familiar to us and yet totally inaudible. A collaboration with Detroit-based artist Paul Johnson emerged from her interactions with local artists. The collab takes the form of an animation that announces, through drawing and movement, the present and future precariousness within our living spaces.
Camille Lemille displays property ads in the window and shifts the cursor of investment and the commodification of housing towards its current crisis and its out-of-control evolution. The artist gives voice to shared experiences, establishes a picture of absurd, precarious or unlivable situations, like the reproducibility of the medium that exhausts its source until it disappears.
[1] Mona Chollet, Chez Soi, Une Odyssée de l’espace domestique, 2015, Editions de la Découverte, p. 66