The price is worth it
Boulevard d'Avroy 28-30
Hilal Aydoğdu
100 Rue Saint-Gilles
V – 150360/1 p. 204, 265, 266
Dóra Benyó
1 Féronstrée
Fausse bonne nouvelle
Juan d’Oultremont
31b Rue de la Cathédrale
Et fouisse toujours on trouvera bien
Gaspard Husson
18 Rue de l'Etuve
La constellation du navire Argo
Sarah Illouz & Marius Escande
Hôtel de la Cour de Londres 40 Rue Hors-Château
One Line (… Better Than On – line!)
Marin Kasimir
31a Rue de la Cathédrale
Sarah Lauwers
29 Rue de l'Université
Alexiane Le Roy
3 Rue de la Cathédrale
Mécanique d’un mur
Raphaël Maman
9 Passage Lemonnier
Eva Mancuso
5 Rue Chéravoie
Don’t cry over spilllllled tears anymore
Francisca Markus
7 Rue Saint-Remy
Actions !
Maxence Mathieu
56 Rue Saint-Gilles
On ne peut rien faire d’autre que tenir debout
Élodie Merland
113 Rue de la Cathédrale
Travel Local, Buy Local
107 Féronstrée
Le vestiaire
Camille Peyré
85 Rue de la Cathédrale
22 empans et 1 palme
Leïla Pile
75 Rue Hors-Château
Chronique florale
Ionut Popa
101 Féronstrée
The Sunken Place
Louise Rauschenbach
4 Rue de la Cathédrale
Le temps d’une trace / La trace du temps
Florian Schaff Marvyn Brusson
1 Rue Courtois
Open closet archive 1995/2021/2023/2024
Bo Stokkermans
Passage Lemonnier, 37-39
Mutations x Urbaines
Adrien Mans Benjamin Ooms
17 Rue des Croisiers
Je m’organise…
Leen Vandierendonck
159 Féronstrée
Wer rettet die Welt
Paul Waak
16 Rue du Palais
Regarde… ce qu’il se passe à côté
Sculpture/Peinture B3 ESA Liège Melissa Andreia Alves ...
137-139 Féronstrée
Pauvre petit belge qui tremble
Paolo Gasparotto
25 Rue Saint Paul
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Carole Louis
Curator : Céline Eloy
261159 En Féronstrée
Carole Louis plays on the absurd and the misunderstanding and reinvents in her practice a tragicomic world that constantly questions the relations of power, class, and economy. Her projects regularly run counter to the shackles imposed at all levels. The artist casts doubt in our mind and has fun distilling counterpoints to situations that seem determined to us, sometimes despite ourselves.
Filon is no exception to this desire to give a mischievous kick in the anthill. Particles intertwine to create an overlay of earth-like layers. A seam emerges from these strata of different natures. It weaves its way through the territory and attracts attention that instantly focuses on this precious filament. And what surrounds it suddenly turns out to be unimportant. The innocuous appearance of the environment is nonetheless only a decoy. The soil is almost imperceptibly enriched with multiple atoms that thrive and shape our daily lives.
Our gaze trapped in a woolen stocking, we try to dig the vein thus found without realizing that wealth is not always located where we expect it to be.