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Wasted Days and Sleepless Nights


Niels Poiz

Artist selected as part of the open call

24128-30 Boulevard d'Avroy

The installation gives an idea of the creative and poetic universe that embodies the artistic practice of Niels Poiz. It features various textual works that were created between 2020 and 2022 in a new assemblage. “Wasted Days and Sleepless Nights” offers insight into the use of language and communication in contemporary media, pop culture and cyberculture. Personal moments and thoughts are put on the same line as news and advertising speeches. Today’s iconoclasm blurs the line between public and private spheres.

Furthermore, these images are translated into a physical space. The sense of sensitivity and honesty is important here, both in the artistic translation and in the use of language and communication itself. Themes such as mental health, self-discovery, identity, sexuality and gender are addressed. The assemblage of different works in the installation can be seen as gestures that, beyond their seemingly casual nature, are extremely precise in their formal choice. Their ephemeral nature underlines the power of involvement. The artwork reflects on our personal sphere and what it entails, but questions the choices that society makes for us: the desire for individuality, submission to political structures and laws.

Wasted Days And Sleepless Night” seeks to convey the commitment between people, a feeling of universal love.

Niels Poiz (born in 1991) lives and works in Brussels, Belgium.
He focuses on the use of language, narrative, sociology and communication in popular culture, cyberculture, mainstream media and pop music through performance, installation, prints, videos and books. He specifically addresses themes such as identity, coming of age, sexuality and mental health. He mixes texts that he appropriates while writing fragments of the everyday himself. His work depicts the time when language is disconnected from its informative function and words are abstracted from their meaning.

Besides participating in various group and solo exhibitions in Belgium and abroad, his publications are regularly presented at various publishing fairs / Art Book Fairs throughout Europe. Poiz is also active in curating and organizing group exhibitions.

Niels Poiz