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Hilary Galbreaith
Curator : Sophie Delhasse
769 Rue de la Madeleine
Parade is the third part of Hilary Galbreaith’s (lives and works in Rennes) Bug project started in 2018. The artist develops a fictional, humorous and grotesque universe whose first episodes take the form of fanzine, videos and immersive installations in which we observe the metamorphosis of Sindee into a giant insect. The Kafkaesque story allows the artist to mix with the alienating reality of bureaucratic institutions, digital surveillance or the systems of values and beliefs advocated in our contemporary societies. The voluntarily burlesque and comical nature of the characters and their fantastic and sometimes monstrous universe stages the absurdity and the contradictions of our existence and our lifestyles. The insect figure also suggests an ecological positioning and a real need of degrowth that Hilary Galbreaith tackles in respect of production and transport. Decors, costumes, puppets and instruments show an economy of means, even in the treatment of the materials – often found or reused – and express themselves through a “do-it-yourself” practice.
At Art au Centre, Hilary Galbreaith offers a new version of Parade*, evolving artwork taking the form of installations and musical performances whose presentations give birth to new collaborations. On the day of the preview, the TNHCH group, whose members recently participated in Art au Centre**, will support Hilary Galbreaith for a performance whose costumes and environment will be presented in the window.
* Parade is created with the support of Cripta 747 Residency Program 9 – Turin et le DRAC Bretagne.
** Corentin Canesson & Damien Le Dévedec, The Anal Staircase, Art Au Centre, 2020.