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Dimitri Vangrunderbeek and Ane Vester
Curator : Philippe Braem
14348 Rue de la Cathédrale
In Vis-à-vis, Ane Vester and Dimitri Vangrunderbeek initiate a true dialogue with their work for the first time. The two artists, who have known each other since their studies at London’s Royal College of Art, draw their inspiration from daily life, respectively from painting (Ane Vester) and from sculptures or installations (Dimitri Vangrunderbeek).
Ane Vester wishes to « enter into a dialogue with things that are not connected to art, to draw her inspiration from (colorful) objects of her partner and maybe also from the colors in and next to the window ». She enables « the echoes of colors of the immediate vicinity, inside or outside, to merge with the colors of her archives ».
Dimitri Vangrunderbeek’s work results from an interest for spatiality and from the analysis of the formal attributes of the objects and materials. His sculptural actions are performed on ordinary objects by using ordinary materials. This leads to sculptures and installations that have a strong spatial impact. The two sculptures presented here are a 1 :1 scale-up translation of two angles and two fragments of window from the artist’s studio. That is why kitchen counters with a concrete, wood and black marble motif were used.
At first, the holes and hollows of the sculptures come from the dimensions of daily life objects incorporated into wood panels. Dimitri Vangrunderbeek received these objects on loan from a colleague artist. For the presentation in Liege, he collected new items, some of which are similar to those of the previous project, others selected for their distinctive colors, to enter into a dialogue with Ane Vester’s wall paintings.