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Alice Nikolaeva
Curator : La peau de l’ours
15Passage Lemonnier, 2
Suspended recreation – With metal and bright colours, Alice Nikolaeva, a young Russian artist who graduated from the Paris School of Fine Art, immerses us in an easy-going and carefree world. Barbecue, ceramic sausages, steel ice-cream cone silhouettes, a vertical swimming pool or drawing in space of an impracticable playground are all elements that Alice Nikolaeva examines, manipulates and diverts to keep us at distance.
Steel is her stomping ground. She cuts, bends, welds, sands, shapes and assembles parts to fully lighten the burden of the steel. Shapes contrast very smoothly. The sculptures of Alice Nikolaeva are three dimensional drawings whose lines define an autonomous space that is set by the rigidity of the steel. A world of suspended recreation, on the cusp of our childhood memories and the path to adulthood.