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Yasmina Assbane

Curator : Marjorie Ranieri

3035 Rue Chéravoie

Yasmina Assbane questions the dominant way in which women’s bodies are viewed, objectified and consumed. Her artistic approach is strongly rooted in the everyday banality and material life essentially attributed to women.

These elements are emptied of their primary function through strategies of dismantling and symbolic reconfiguration.

In her words, « although not all women are artists, all women are masters of objects and stewardship”. The know-how acquired by women through the “art of display” and the all-feminine notion of “arranging things” is therefore an important feature of her work. In her vision, she transfigures it into an “aesthetic of entrenchment”.


Entrenchment: any work done to fortify a position or increase its defense.


This Work was produced during the artistic residency in Bucharest in the framework of the EU-funded project Artists for Artists Residency Network, at the invitation of the Romanian Association of Contemporary Art (ARAC).

Yasmina Assbane and Anastasia Palii